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White Eyes Park & Trails

The HEART of Appalachian Ohio Project will develop within the village of West Lafayette in Coshocton County a park with trails dedicated to the venerated Lenape Chief, White Eyes.

White Eyes a well-respected man who had great foresight and used his position to better his people. During the French and Indian War, he was an advocate for peace and during the Revolutionary War he sided with the Americans and provided great intelligence and aid. So respected was White Eyes, that a month after the Declaration of Independence was signed, he was invited to speak to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia. While there he signed a treaty that would establish the Ohio territory as a new state dedicated to Native Americans . However, before the treaty was ratified White Eyes was killed while leading a military expedition for the Americans.

The HEART of Appalachian Ohio will utilize the Appalachian Community Grant to install trails that traverse Plain Hill on the northern edge of West Lafayette. The trails will pass the historic Native American ruins that remain on the property and connect to the village park. A pollinator field between the park and Plain Hill will be created with trails meandering through it that will also be on the Appalachian Ohio Pollinator Trail.

A statue to White Eyes will be installed at the site to bring visitors and to pay respects to his legacy.


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