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Morgan's Raid Battlefield

In July 1863, Confederate General John Hunt Morgan led a raid through Appalachian Ohio and brought the horrors of war home to the citizens of the region. Buffington Island Battlefield in Meigs County and the Salineville Battlefield, which lays at the confluence of Carroll, Jefferson, and Columbiana Counties, have been tourist destinations and places of deep reflection since the time of the raid. Sadly, very little of the battlefields have been preserved and interpreted.

The HEART of Appalachian Ohio Project will see the restoration of the battlefields back to their 1863 appearance utilizing native pollinator and prairie plants, the interpretation of the events through signage and monuments, and the development of more accessible facilities and features to accommodate visitors.

This project consists of extensive public-private partnerships and will capitalize on the historic and unique features of this part of Appalachian Ohio.

Buffington Island Battlefield (Meigs County)

The Buffington Island Battlefield sits near the small hamlet of Portland in Meigs County, Ohio along the Ohio River. This ground marks the struggle between Union General Edward Hobson and Confederate General John Hunt Morgan. The battle was a sharp engagement that saw the capture and crippling of Morgan’s forces by a combined Union assault of infantry and gunboats. Union Major Daniel McCook, the 65-year-old patriarch of the “Fighting McCooks” was killed in the battle. General Morgan and a portion of his men were able to make a daring escape north and continue the raid.

The HEART of Appalachian Ohio project will enhance and potentially expand the current Buffington Island Battlefield Park, into a more user-friendly park that better interprets the

action and engages the user.

A new visitor center will be constructed, similar in size to the Perryville Battlefield Visitor Center (Kentucky) and the Tredegar Visitor Center (Richmond, Virginia). This visitor center will have modern displays and maps that will bring the story of the men who fought at the battle to life as well as ADA compliant restrooms. Infrastructure such as water and sewer will need to be extended 2000 feet to the facility.

Installation of native grasses and wildflowers that were present at the time of battle in 1863. This component of the battlefield enhancement and interpretation will compliment and be a part of the Appalachian Ohio Pollinator Trail. Statues to Union Major Daniel McCook and Lt. Cmdr. LeRoy Fitch will also be added.

Monroeville Park & Cemeteries (Jefferson County)

The last battle of the raid took place around the confluence of Jefferson, Carroll, and Columbiana Counties. This activity will see the enhancement of the small Monroeville Community Park in Brush Creek Township, Jefferson County as well has small enhancements to the Monroeville Cemetery and West Grove Cemetery.

The Monroeville Community Park will see the addition of a pollinator area and community gardens, signage, and a sculpture depicting a scene from the raid.

The Monroeville Cemetery will see the addition of fencing that will add to the aesthetic appeal of the property located on the main street in the community, a replica cannon, and a sculpture will also be added to help interpret the engagement.

West Grove Cemetery which is home to the two northern most killed in combat Confederates will see enhancements that will be aesthetically pleasing as well as assist in security and sustainability of the site. This will include the addition of a worm rail fence along the cemetery lane and a solar powered gate at the entrance.

Shackleford Trail & Park (Carroll & Columbiana Counties)

When Union forces under General James Shackleford were looking for the fleeing Confederate Cavalry, they headed west of the village of Salineville in hope of cutting the forces off and mustered along Riley Run.

This HEART of Appalachian Ohio activity will see the development of a crushed limestone trail that will extend 1.5 miles from the heart of the village of Salineville along an old rail corridor to the muster site that Shackleford established.

Shackleford Park will be constructed from the old Salineville Water Works. The trail will loop the ponds and small fishing piers will be added to the property.

Parking and a small picnic area with interpretive signs will be added at the west end of the park.

The Riley Run Dam will be removed restoring the property back to its 1863 appearance and the park will be further enhanced by native prairie and pollinator plantings.

Sharp’s Hill (Carroll County)

On Sharp’s Hill while Morgan and his main body awaited the arrival of the other half of the command, Lieutenant Smith Fiske led a gallant charge of his Union cavalry troops against Morgan’s men. After Lieutenant Fiske was shot off of his horse, his men took position behind a worm rail fence and continued fire from this defensive position. At this point Morgan ordered Captain Sheldon to make a charge with the 2nd Kentucky cavalry against the Union troops positioned along the fence. Captain Sheldon led his men on a rapid charge towards the fence, but the horses were too exhausted to clear the fence and knocked the top rail and fence onto the Union troops and a hand-to-hand fight broke out. The Union troops fled the field and Morgan made his escape once again, reuniting with the other portion of his command and ultimately surrendering hours later.

The HEART of Appalachian Ohio Project will see the restoration of the Sharp’s Hill property, which has been in existence since the 1960s, to its 1863 appearance and the park will be further enhanced by native prairie and pollinator plantings. A sculpture depicting the last charge of the raid will be constructed on the property as well.


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